PATCHOULI - pogostemon cablin

Patchouli brings to mind hippies, free love, and an era of liberation."the scent of the hippies' 60s," has a musky, earthy, exotic aroma with sensual properties. In Eastern cultures it is commonly used around the house for general wellbeing and to help release negative emotions so that problems can be kept in proportion.  Patchouli oil is known for its magnificent attributes, ranging from medicinal purposes to cosmetic and spiritual.
For the medicine cabinet x.  Patchouli EO regenerates skin cells, which makes amazing the healing of wounds and to fade scars. It has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore calming skin problems such as sunburn, acne, eczema and other forms of dermatitis. It also helps treat acne and dandruff. It's a a fungicidal therefore combats ailiments such as  athlete’s foot, jock itch and fungal problems of the skin such as Candida. t tightens and tones sagging skin.  It helps speed the healing process of cuts and wounds, and also hastens the fading of scars. It is similarly effective in eliminating marks left by boils, acne, pox, and measles.  It treats eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and sores. It provides relief from constipation, and can be used as an temporary antidote or salve against insect bites.
For the mind/nervous system x.  This EO helps them to get over the feelings of sadness or loss and fills them with new hope. It uplifts mood, drives away disappointment, and relaxes tension. It stimulates the release of pleasure hormones like serotonin and dopamine, feelings of anxiety, anger, and sadness simply disappear.
Spiritual x. This oil has been used to relax the mind and clarify thoughts for hundreds of years. It is primarily used to align the heart chakra with the root and sacral chakras. It does this by releasing obsessions, insecurities and jealousies and enhancing our desire to live a fuller life. It also ground the body and asks us to stay in the present moment rather than stressing about things that are beyond our control.
For the home/cleaning x.   Despite smelling sweet, it is very effective at keeping insects at a healthy distance. It is frequently used in sprays, body lotions, fumigants, vaporizers, and incense sticks or it can be mixed with water to wash clothes and bed linen to drive away mosquitoes, ants, beg bugs, lice, fleas, flies and moths. Only a few drops are required to keep insects away, or you can burn the oil in a room and have the effects last even longer.
For beauty x.   It is very beneficial for the skin by helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or chapping. Consider applying 1-2 drops of patchouli essential oil to your daily skin care routine, or apply a small dab topically to acne prone areas as desired. Be sure to check out acne blends as well. The strong sweet, spicy and musky aroma of this essential oil eliminates or masks body odor. However, it should be used in a diluted form as the aroma of Patchouli Oil might be very strong to some people’s olfactory senses. It remains a popular oil to use as a cologne in many cultures and cultural demographics. Some people find the smell wonderful, while others are somewhat irritated by its distinctive aroma. Patchouli EO is particularly good at regenerating new skin cells, thus keeping the skin looking healthy, young and vibrant.
Colour x.  Patchouli EO has a rich musky-sweet, strong spicy and herbaceous smell. It is light yellow to dark brown in colour and is a thick oil

Collections: Essential Oils

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