i have a new passport...

I have a new passport! which means I have a whole new decade of traveling to do. Its really exciting looking at all those empty pages, wondering where this world will lead me too.. What stamps will be filled in those empty pages. Travel is amazing, and wondrous for the soul. I try to travel somewhere new every year, and do an act of kindness while I'm there. But, travel can be a little taxing, so I'm always adopting healthy new travel tricks and tips along the way to make the journey a little easier.








Essential oils are now an integral part of my traveling regime. I love them because they are natural and they work :). There are four basic EO's that are essential for my travel kit.  They have been a life saver. Whether it’s dealing with sunburns, potential bed bugs, motion sickness, germs, cuts & braises, upset stomachs or more, I can usually find relief with one of the following oils.

My first stamp on my passport is Thailand. (which was my first country on my last passport, and the country l consider my second home). I love making new  friends in different cultures, that I can learn from and pass on their wisdom. A wise woman once while in Thailand taught me the powerful uses for Lavender Essential Oil.

She taught me how you can apply a few drops to minor burns or sunburn for relief from the pain.  She also said to sprinkle lavender essential oil on your bed sheets and pillows.  Why?  Bed bugs hate the smell of lavender and will run away.  Who knew!  Hopefully I never have issues with bed bugs, but it’s great to know how to prevent it too! Lavender oil also helps with insect bites, bee stings, and motion sickness.



I am notorious for motion sickness, especially in cars and boats.  So  I rub a couple drops behind my ears, around my hairline and on my stomach.  Whenever we have a headache, we rub one drop in between our hands and inhale it for a woooosh... clearing of the head.  Have a go, then you will know exactly what I’m talking about!  The stuffiest nose during cold season doesn’t have a chance with Peppermint Oil.  Peppermint oil relieves headaches, but it also relieves joint pain.  After a long photo shoot a long day tour I start to feel the muscles ache.  I’ll rub Peppermint oil on my joints and feel relief within minutes.  This potent oil also energizes your mind.  You can add a drop to your shampoo to vitalize your scalp and turn your brain on. 




Orange is a wonderful essential oil to bring with you on your next flight.  Not only does it smell wonderful, relieving stress that flights can often cause, but it also acts as a carminative.  This means it acts as an agent to help with an upset tummy.  You can rub a few drops of Orange oil on your stomach to help make this happen. 

Tea tree  (also known as melaleuca) is a “jack of all trades” as far as remedies go for health, cleaning and beauty. It has such a diversity of usefulness that’s both practical and convenient that you’ll never want to travel without it again!  Also known as ‘first aid in a bottle’, its antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it so versatile that its used to clean cuts & braises, or help with cough & flu's, plus its also effective as a painkiller.

For your next trip, be sure you pack these four essential oils for traveling ease!